I watched the CNN-Baltimore Sun documentary, “Who Killed Freddie Gray,” twice last night. I then wrote a piece for Dan Abrams’s new site, LawNewz.com, with my reaction to it. Before I watched it, I took issue with the title which suggests someone killed him. By someone, I mean the police, because no one is saying that Gray killed himself. The title was notice of what lay ahead. Here’s what I wrote for LawNewz.com. I’d love to know if you agree—or not: The CNN-Baltimore Sun special about Freddie Gray that first aired last night on CNN is a compelling documentary about the tragic events that led to Gray’s injury and death. Told primarily from that the perspective of Freddie Gray’s friends, witnesses to his arrest, and community activists, “Who Killed Freddie Gray” suggests that the police killed him. It ignores the…

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